So far we were used to the rule that up to the scheduled time it was still possible to jump into the train. From now on, the train will start rolling already, i.e. the doors have to be shut earlier. Something like this we see already in the short-distance transport of a German large city, it is allowed to depart already 30 seconds before scheduled departure time. We do not have to understand this, but it is the way it is. We simply need to know it. 

The German years of "Wirtschaftswunder" (economic miracle) since the success of the combustion motor are past. Brands and alternative technologies as well as restrictions from other countries enforce the mobility site Germany to review the strategy. But this seems not to take place consistently as economy journalist Gunnar Sohn has stated in his article "Schwarm-Mobilität statt Schmieröl-Weisheiten im Land der Autobauer" bei ("swarm mobility instead of pieces of grease wisdom in the country of car makers"). 

The headline of the article "How to change standing vehicles to become rolling vehicles" of the NZZ series "Chances of digitalization" already suggests that our vehicles are not optimally utilized. We neither drive our cars very often nor are all seats occupied most of the time. And eventually, since the appearance of UBER, the agency app for private car trips in the USA, we know that there are creative alternatives for intelligently networking mobility.