Railway magazine "Zughalt" published in a report 2018.06.29 that BMVI (German ministery for traffic and IT) will sponsor the further development of the timetable information system EFA of the Munich traffic association (MVV).
The objective is, generelly speaking, to improve the cities' air quality in a sustainable way. The project "Bel AiR" which means "better air by information systems for intermodal routing in MVV" ("Bessere Luft durch Auskunftssysteme für intermodales Routing im MVV") is supposed to make "door to door" possible which is anyway already characterizing the MVV information system and to complement it by more ways of intermodal traffic, e.g. taxis, car and bike sharing. The project will be implemented in three phases, initially investigating and evaluating already existing intermodel offers. In the second phase the additional offers will be enclosed into the interactive EFA map and finally, in a third phase also into the timetable information system EFA itself. This way several traffic carriers will be interconnected with the effect of a sustainable improvement of the city's air quality.
The project will be sponsored with 76,000 €. Since, at present, it is an an early stage, more detailed information is not available except for the 3 phase process. Also other media like Süddeutsche Zeitung reported about the project. We are delighted that "intermodal" is also reaching the real life and we hope for an intermodal door-to-door information system. It could be a good example for a nationwide intermodal mobility information system.
We also concentrate since 2013 on intermodal aspects for our own information system MOTIS. We are focussing on the integration of ride sharing / ride hailing and timetable dependent public transport.
See also "Zughalt": EFA becomes intermodal, Süddeutsche: Mit Bus, Bahn und Leihrad