1. A plan against traffic breakdown 25 November 2019 The magazine of the Heinrich Böll foundation published an interview with Sampo Hietanen in its March 2019 edition. Sampo Hietanen is well known to all those who are interested in MaaS (Mobility as a Service) and other new forms of mobility. …
2. Is ridesharing a solution for rural areas? 24 September 2018 Martin Randelhoff deals with a topic in the magazine "Zukunft Mobilität" (Future Mobility) which has the potential of becoming increasingly important in the future. The topic is about the problem of how ridesharing systems can become a mobility solution in rural areas, supplementing public transport. …
3. Multi Objective Optimization of Multimodal Two-way Roundtrip Journeys 26 March 2020 Authors: Felix Gündling, Pablo Hoch, Karsten Weihe Abstract: Multi modal journeys often involve two trips: one outgoing and one return trip, as in manyMulti modal journeys often involve two trips: one outgoing and one return trip, as in manycases, the traveller would like to return to her starting point. …